Alien Bases that look like Alien Bases

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Re: Alien Bases that look like Alien Bases

Post by velociostrich »

RustyNaps wrote:

Well you could some how make the overmind the source of the dynamic geological change some how.

Because of limitations of the engine, actually modifying map geometry is (practically) out of the question. Dynamically creating geometry on top of map geometry is, however, quite possible.

WhiteTech wrote:

Well maybe perhaps something like the Zerg (starcraft) creep. The creep colonies grows the creep in a radius around them, and you can build on it. This would give the alien look and be functional.

StarCraft 1 could draw large areas of creep fairly easily by just repeating ("bit blitting") an image over an area. The edges of the creep naturally require a different image. In a 3d world, however, we'd have to come up with some way of dynamically creating creep geometry, which is more difficult. The engine does already have facilities for rendering procedurally generated geometry (what the engine refers to as "tess" geometry); the challenge that remains (aside from asset creation) would be, again, the procedural generation of that geometry.

ViruS wrote:

I think a problem with the jerky stuff might be whether the engine supports 'animation smoothing.'

The correct terms for that are "frame interpolation" or "tweening". We do now have (linear?) frame interpolation for MD5 models, and I believe inbetween frames for MD3 models was inherited from Quake 3.

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Re: Alien Bases that look like Alien Bases

Post by WhiteTech »

velociostrich wrote:

StarCraft 1 could draw large areas of creep fairly easily by just repeating ("bit blitting") an image over an area. The edges of the creep naturally require a different image. In a 3d world, however, we'd have to come up with some way of dynamically creating creep geometry, which is more difficult. The engine does already have facilities for rendering procedurally generated geometry (what the engine refers to as "tess" geometry); the challenge that remains (aside from asset creation) would be, again, the procedural generation of that geometry.

I know nothing about game making or coding, but Im seeing an egg having a spherical radius for which it looks for solid map geometry (not doors or other moving bits) and drawing the overlay on top. Although there would be a few minor things, like if it's on the ground would it draw the creep on the roof and such.

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Re: Alien Bases that look like Alien Bases

Post by ViruS »

velociostrich wrote:

Because of limitations of the engine, actually modifying map geometry is (practically) out of the question.

Not quite, we can simulate realistic effects with shitloads of triggers
i.e. when a portion of a wall receives damage, explode.
If the wall was made of about 300 of these, "walk-throughable" type, and one caulk, the caulk can go underground when it "explodes" while the other parts fly off.

Another way to do it is by spamming really opaque particle systems within the area [which will kill the client's fps more than the above suggested one actually] and make the wall again, shift underground.

Maybe if we could permanently implement the trem AMP into the engine we could feature more stuff. I remember the good ol' days on Blackout where you could pick guns off the walls and building repeaters allow you to use doors <3

It's all up the mappers for this. [And the programmers to implement the package if they want to]


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Re: Alien Bases that look like Alien Bases

Post by KenuR »

ViruS wrote:

Not quite, we can simulate realistic effects with shitloads of triggers
i.e. when a portion of a wall receives damage, explode.
If the wall was made of about 300 of these, "walk-throughable" type, and one caulk, the caulk can go underground when it "explodes" while the other parts fly off.

Another way to do it is by spamming really opaque particle systems within the area [which will kill the client's fps more than the above suggested one actually] and make the wall again, shift underground.

Even if that's possible (I don't think it is), it's a REALLY shitty way of implementing that feature.

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