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Mapeditor support & Radiant patching

Posted: Thu May 15, 2014 10:06 am UTC
by neumond

Hello everyone! This is a list of what I'm planning to do with Radiant and our mapeditor-support repo:

1. Generate default_project.proj (that's where q3map2 cmdlines are kept)

  1. Fine tune paths in default_project.proj (homedir vs gamedir vs anotherdir etc)
    2'. Make reference q3map2 build options files.
  2. Remove "colorGrading" everywhere, including C++ code. There is "gradingTexture" already, doing same thing.
    4. Make simple buildable model pak. md3 + tga, only for editor. Our models constructed from parts and have compressed textures, i.e. look like a total crap in both radiants.
    5. Fine tune model sizes (team_* entities). (taken from configs)
  3. Add "model2" displaying directly in radiant. There is the old misc_model successfully doing that.
  4. Add .CRN support.
  5. Add .IQM support.

New Filesystem support:
9. Apply proper pak loading order and ignorance rules.
10. Make proper texture pak list in main menu: only tex-.pk3 + current map.
11. Automatically output DEPS file. Mapper can randomly use textures from different tex-
paks, then everything he used will go into DEPS.

Not specific to unv options:
13. Smarter mousewheel zoom.
14. Try to fix caps/numlock perspective window issue.

Re: Mapeditor support & Radiant patching

Posted: Thu May 15, 2014 7:56 pm UTC
by Viech

Sounds good so far, though instead of

neumond wrote:
  1. Make simple buildable model pak. md3 + tga, only for editor. Our models constructed from parts and have compressed textures, i.e. look like a total crap in both radiants.
  2. Fine tune model sizes (team* entities).

I would rather make the team
* entities show as boxes matching the exact bounding boxes of the models ingame, which can be found in the buildable config files. This isn't as pretty as showing the models but it allows more precise placements of the initial structures and results in a significantly smaller maintenance effort (which is important because high maintenance effort slows down development alltogether).

neumond wrote:

7. Optionally, add webp support. (with proper synapse handling)

No need for that, I want CRN to replace WEBP entirely. The former performs better in all scenarious and we had quite a few issues with the latter (including library chaos and bad export plugins).

Re: Mapeditor support & Radiant patching

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 2:52 pm UTC
by neumond


Re: Mapeditor support & Radiant patching

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 5:00 pm UTC
by Viech

Awesome! We can ship it with the next release, so that you don't need to worry about the distribution.