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Flame Thrower (1)

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 1:52 am UTC
by Gex

Hey guys, I've been looking into a few of the weapons and have spent some time reworking the Flamer gun. Let me know what you think. Also, please forgive me for the bad PS sketch, I haven't quite gotten sketching with a tablet down yet.

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Re: Flamer - Redesign

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 4:40 am UTC
by kharnov

Don't worry about the sketch quality, I've seen your model work and it's great. As long as you get the basic idea across, any sketch is fine. We're only concerned about general shapes at this stage of the redesign.

With regards to the design itself, it looks familiar enough to our current flamer, which is good. However, I would say that the gas tank connection looks slightly fragile. In that case, I have three possible suggestions:

  • Try to see if you can make a horizontal design, in which the gas tank is attached to the weapon at two locations. Perhaps instead of the second hand gripping the weapon by the diagonal pad up front, you could have a longer, narrower gas tank parallel to the main body of the gun mounted right underneath it.

  • Alternatively, you could go with some sort of claw grip on the top of the tank, or some other means of fastening the tank to the weapon. Since you're unable to reload the weapon in the middle of combat, being able to swiftly swap tanks is less of an issue than securing one in place.

  • The absolute simplest method would be to bring the gas tank closer to the main body of the weapon, without the narrow connection.

If anyone else has suggestions, feel free to add them in.

Re: Flamer - Redesign

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 5:12 am UTC
by Ishq

This is a pretty good design. As kharnov says, it's close to our current flamer, but, with the potential to add detail. What colors were you planning to use for it?

Re: Flamer - Redesign

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 1:20 pm UTC
by Gex

Thanks for the input guys. I was thinking that the connection might be a little unrealistic. I was thinking of maybe adding a cradle system that would hold it up from the underside. I'll add that in and repost when I can. As far as the color scheme is concerned. I did like the army green, gun-metal of the previous version. But I'd like to add some hazard yellow and maybe make the tank itself a 'danger-red' color. Let me know what you think.

Re: Flamer - Redesign

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 3:43 pm UTC
by kharnov

Sure. You could make the primary color of the tank red, and use yellow for details.

Re: Flamer - Redesign

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2013 2:28 am UTC
by Gex

Hey guys, I wanted to get an update up as soon as I could so here is what I've got. I didn't have the time to get this into Photoshop so bear with me, but I have a pencil sketch here of an updated look for the Flamer redesign. I updated the design a bit, moved some things around and most of all added a type of tank cradle system to add more 'stability' to the design. Let me know what you think. In the meantime, I'm gonna get this into Photoshop tomorrow and flesh it out a bit more. Thanks for any crits.

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Re: Flamer - Redesign

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2013 3:19 am UTC
by Ishq

This is coming out better and better and I definitely approve of the way you're taking it. I love the added detail. Can't wait to see what finishing touches you add to it in photoshop.

Re: Flamer - Redesign

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2013 3:34 am UTC
by kharnov

That looks pretty brutal. Very nice rendition of the flamer. Keep going.

Re: Flamer - Redesign

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2013 5:52 pm UTC
by Viech

Hi Gex!

I would make the tip more futuristic: The open flame doesn't really fit a hight tech weapon that should be operational under rough conditions such as wind, moisture and low oxygen. Another benefit of not having an open flame would be the possibility to add a secondary fire mode that spits some fuel on floor or walls where it can be ignited later.

The trigger looks a bit too exposed. It's a weapon after all and you don't want it to go off uncontrolled. Maybe make the stock a tad less like a tool and more like a rifle.

I like the body part, if anything I would bring the tank a little closer to the body (or in other words further away from the end of the stock). The flamer is a gun that gets yielded somewhere between waist and chest and you wouldn't want the tank to push against your legs when you crouch.

I want to give elements such as fire and electricity a higher importance in the game and I was thinking about an incendiary grenade lately. The fact that your tank isn't integrated in the body of the weapon and already has the form of a grenade makes me think that it could very well double as one. A player could purchase and use the grenade independently but when yielding the flamer it could be used to reload it instead. Once attached to the flamer the fuse mechanism gets disabled and it can only be used as a tank. I would like to see whether you can add some form of button or similar fuse mechanism to the tank (our normal grenade just has a big red button, maybe have a look at the model).

Re: Flamer - Redesign

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 1:12 am UTC
by Gex

Thanks for the suggestions. I'll play around with the design and see if I can pump out a few variants of each of the troubling areas. Thanks again to everyone for your input.