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Menu layout

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 7:18 pm UTC
by Gireen

I have here a few layout concepts and want to know if something is missing, should be changed or isn't possible.

I try to keep this simple as possible. 2 Boxes with tabs. The first one shows the different tables of servers, favorite servers, last visited Servers and servers where friends are online. By clicking on a Server in the List, the tab in the right box switches from filters to details.
a list of pending downloads and file size makes it easier to see how long the download take.

loading screen
with random tips and more informations the loading screen gets less boring

here is not much to change. only answerers to the maybe most asked questions on a server.

circle menu
Exemplary for build and evolve menu is here the buy menu. I think this is the best way for a circle menu with librocket. The first problem is that there are to many things to buy and evolve for only one circle. Cause of this weapons and items are in 2 separate circles. For switching scroll weel or another key are used. Personal i would prefer pie pieces instead of circles, but i don't see a easy way to create this.
Over the description more informations for weapons/class/items are possible like weapon range or speed.

Other menus follows.

Re: Layout concept

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 11:09 pm UTC
by Viech

Wow, great concepts!

Server browser
I think a chatbox that directly connects to a dedicated IRC channel would be awesome. We already have IRC support after all.

Map screen
Version and author could fit in the upper right corner.

I feel this could display some more data about the server, but there's probably enough useful stuff to fill another screen.

Circle menu
More data on the right side (maybe in the description box) would be nice, some attributes could be displayed in the form of bars.
For experienced players, there could be an option where only the circle is displayed, so the info doesn't obscure the screen.

Re: Layout concept

Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2013 9:51 am UTC
by Khaoz

I swear to god if this games UI is in comic sans I will never play this.

Re: Layout concept

Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2013 10:32 pm UTC
by gillux

Good job, Gireen! Here is my feedback.

Overall good. I like the tab idea. But why kee the upper-right source selection box? This source selection thing always annoyed me. Because when the serverlist is empty and the user has to find out why, wrong source selection isn’t obvious. The “LAN” source selection should be yet another tab, and the “Browse” one should be “Internet”.

In any case the tab title “Browse” is wrong to me, it should be changed to a noun, like the other tabs. I like the idea to have a tab that allows you to directly list the servers where your friends are, instead of having to search for their nicknames by yourself.

However I didn’t understand this by looking at your mockup, I had to read your explanation. The confusion was that “Friends” in that context meant “Friend servers” to me rather than “Servers where friends are playing”. Maybe it’s just me but perhabs you could change the title tab to “With friends”.

I don’t like the wordings “not full”, “not empty” and “no password”, because unchecked boxes make them a double negation. I’d prefer respectively “show full”, “show empty” and “show password protected” (or something).

@Viech: while including a chatbox sounded a good idea to me at first, I wonder if this would be very useful.

I don’t like this. First, your mockup misses the total ETA, and I think it’s very important to have this. I’d also add a little explanation text like “Additional data required to join this server is being dowloaded. Please wait.” I found the “pending download” thing rather confusing. Either clearly show that n files are going to be dowloaded sequentially, or don’t show it at all.

Okay I tried something, this is certainly not perfect but that’s how I’d make it.

The attachment downloading mockup.jpg is no longer available

Loading screen

Maybe it’s just me but I’d change KpD to K/D.

Circle menu
I once made a mockup for that too. Of course a circle-based thing should be better but I’d repeat a few tips I came up with
• somehow show what’s currently carried
• somehow show what can’t be acquired and why (no room, not available at this stage, insufficient funds…)

Keep up the good work.

Re: Layout concept

Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2013 1:30 am UTC
by Kynes

I don't think we should display K/D anywhere because it makes people focus on the wrong things and it doesn't represent our gameplay very well. Killing a dretch is not the same as killing a tyrant, and dying as a dretch is not the same as dying as a tyrant.

Re: Layout concept

Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2013 12:55 pm UTC
by Viech

Also we are working on reducing the effects of feeding. If you die often it should be your personal problem and not harm the team too much. Displaying some form of number of deaths or damage taken can be both misleading (players hwo rush a lot die a lot) and frustrating (your team hates you for being new and helping the enemy).

Re: Layout concept

Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2013 1:31 pm UTC
by Gireen

In other games such a lobby chat is either with too much discussions or empty. For new players with a problem this could be a good way to ask for help. How is it with a button to open this chatbox to 1/3 of the serverlist box?

yes to everything. except the friends tab. i think it should be understandable when its clickable.

yes thats even better if the time and progress bare show the progress of all files.

loading screen
a bit moved to fill the empty corner. but map version and mapper stay near to the mapname for the context.
when we have different game modes a sentence about the mode could be added.
circle menu
gray for not the right stage, red for not enough credits
and when selecting a unusable item the text on the right side e.g. needed credits, is bold red

yes. any other attributes for weapons?

comic sans everywhere :p

Kills and Deaths are something what the most players expect from a scoreboard. To focus on the gameplay the list is sorted by the score and not kills/death. But i think the time column is useless.

Re: Layout concept

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 2:55 am UTC
by gillux
Gireen wrote:

yes thats even better if the time and progress bare show the progress of all files.

Yes, I forgot to mention that. The upper bar and time show the global progress, while lower bars show the progress of individual files.

Re: Layout concept

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 8:08 pm UTC
by Gireen

here are now almost all missing menu concepts.

Grouped as in every other game into Player,Control,Graphic and Sound.
In Quick options are the most needed options from all categories.

Create Server
A info text for problems behind routers is maybe helpful. with a link to the corresponding wiki page.

Server Info

All settings of the server and polls. A way to add to server to favorites would be good.
The Description, to reread it. A way to let server admins display more text could be interesting. e.g. all info pages

1 place for all player related votes or administration. with radio buttons is possible to chose the type of action. Not possible things are grayed out.

MapsVotes/Admin the same as in Player. A list of the current rotation on the server and witch maps is current and witch next.
The list of vote maps based on all on the server available maps (everything from listmaps)

In general with votes or admin commands it appears a popup, summarizing the decision with a field for a reason or additional informations like map layouts or ban durations.

Re: Layout concept

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 9:01 pm UTC
by Viech

Wow, this looks good.

Create Server
A few more advanced options shouldn't hurt, maybe in a similar manner as the options menu, with both quick and avanced options in different tabs.

Both Create Server and Options
Each field could have a small "reset to default" icon. Every tab could have a reset button, too, that resets all options on the page after asking for confirmation.

Server *
I love these, the radio buttons to select between vote and admin action are a very good idea. Alternatively: Radio buttons for actions, push buttons for vote or admin action. Some votes need a field for a reason or a slider for a value.